Duck for President by Doreen Cronin. Duck is ambitious. No farm can hold his dreams. In fact, he's so ambitious, he works his way up through the barnyard until he reaches the White House. And once he's there, he realizes it's too much work and pulls a George Washington -- he heads back to the farm. Of course, unlike Washington, he never finishes a single term. Fans of Duck will love his rolling term as the fowl in charge, while adults get the references to the way politics really works.
Otto Runs for President by Rosemary Wells. Otto's the good kid in school who turns the run for president into a three-way race against the popular girl and the school jock. Against all odds he shows that the key to winning is listening to the people (well. dogs) -- not beauty, not money (OK, it's a kid's book -- you have to allow some suspension of disbelief!), not bribery, not bullying, and not dirty campaigns. Otto pulls off an upset and becomes top dog!
John,Paul, George & Ben by Lane Smith. OK, only one of them is president, and that's the honest one -- George. George Washington is joined by John Hancock, Paul Revere, and Ben Franklin, plus a surprise visit by the fifth Beatle, err, Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson (who went on to do quite well as our third president). Lane Smith is as funny as ever with imitation woodcuts that provide plenty of action as George chops down a cherry tree, John displays wonderful penmanship, Paul can't use his indoor voice, and Ben just doesn't know when to SHUT UP!
Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters by Barack Obama. Most picture books are about presidents; this one is by a president, and while most presidents choose to write books after leaving office, this one is the current occupant. Barack Obama honors an odd mixture of Americans, including the two presidents most associated with President's Day -- Washington & Abraham Lincoln, but also great Americans from history, sports, and entertainment.
So You Want to Be President? by Judith St. George. Sure, most authors can take on one or two presidents, but St. George writes about them all. This entertaining book, highlighted by the Caldecott Award-winning artwork of David Small, presents entertaining facts about all our past presidents. That's no small task, but she manages (somehow) to fit it all into one picture book. I guess William Henry Harrison and Millard Fillmore get short-shrift again.
Hope you enjoyed this list of presidential picture books. MUNCH!
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*check out a sample from my The Spaghettisburg Address (in honor of Abraham Lincoln).